Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Four Eyes Lab

Obviously the Four Eyes lab was really cool to see. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to see the projects they've been working on. Personally, I liked the demonstration upstairs with the augmented reality in-flight simulator more than the Allosphere, probably contrary to most. That kind of thing could be implemented to online classes or kind of real time online lectures or office hours. I imagine having a split screen with a video call office hour and the other is whatever presentation being given that can be altered and edited in real time on each student's screen.

 The allosphere, while definitely cool and useful for medical advancements quite honestly made me dizzy being inside the brain so I didn't pay too much attention. Unfortunately the technology is also way too expensive to implement in a classroom setting. Being 3D also makes it difficult to demonstrate other than through modeling - at least until 3D tv's become more popular. 

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